Making it our business to help you work smarter. That's the brilliance of Briteskies. 

Making the move to Magento 2

A Quick Reference Guide


Don't believe us? Ask our customers.

They are actually passionate about what they do. Very refreshing to have that kind of customer service and commitment. The website came out better than what I asked for and expected! Our customers are happier! Our sales on the website grew the first month we went live!

Julianna Farresta
CVI Laser Optics


Count on Briteskies to help with your move to Magento 2

Ready to see your site shine? Let's talk


route-light-grayKey resources for moving to Magento 2

bullseye-arrow-light-grayMoving to Magento 2 can help you reach your growth targets by:

  • Delivering a better shopping experiences
  • Supporting faster sales growth
  • Enabling you to automate more processes
  • Scaling operations more effectively

calendar-check-light-gray  Critical Magento Support Dates

November 30, 2019 - end of support for PHP 7.1
December 31, 2019 - end of support for Magento Commerce 2.2.x
June 2020 - end of support for Magento 1

exclamation-triangle-light-gray  Risks if you don't move to Magento 2

  • Magento 1 and 2.2x sites will be PCI non-compliant
  • Magento 1 and 2.2x sites will be at increased security risk
  • Magento 1 and 2.2x sites will be without Magento tech support
  • Magento 1 and 2.2x sites will not have access to new features in Magento Commerce 2.3

Join other Magento clients who are seeing amazing results!

49-percent-growth-revenue-sales     39-percet-growth-conversion      10-percent-growth-average-order-value